Crush Can Sale

Moira Deel, Staff Reporter

Starting Monday, January 30th Bishop Noll is having the annual “Crush Pop Can” sale. For $1 you can buy a crush for your crush, choose from three delicious flavors including Strawberry, Grape, and Orange. “I hope to sell at most 1,000 cans. Bishop Noll has about 500+ students so if everyone bought at least two cans we should meet our goal!” says Justice Winfrey, junior.

Abby Damacio says Bishop Noll’s prom committee uses some of the money to buy the crush cans and the rest goes to this year’s prom for decorations, crowns/sashes and party favors.

“It’s a great way to fundraise the money needed to help fund the prom and all students can participate. It’s also exciting for the students because they look forward to not only buying the crush cans for their friends, but also getting them.” says Sophia Aguirre.