Marriage/Flour Baby Project

Moira Deel, Staff Reporter

 In the Vocations 3 class at Bishop Noll, seniors are suiting up to be parents of flour babies for their final exam project. According to Ms. Lydia Skurka, theology teacher, the goal of the project is have seniors experience adult responsibilities in order to be better prepared for them.

  Seniors are paired up with a spouse (another student) and plan the wedding, living expenses, baby budget and more.

  Seniors must take care of a 2-lb sack of flour, dress it as a baby, and take it to classes and home for a week.

  Skurka believes that this project will show the seniors that it takes a lot more time for personal growth before they enter into a life-long relationship.

  “The more one reflects on becoming the best person God created you to be, the better person you will become: for yourself as well as your future spouse and family,” says Skurka who has been doing the project with her classes for two years. “In this way I believe that this project and course can prepare students for their future relationships, including marriage.”