Freshman Meza follows siblings’ success in speech and debate
April 8, 2022
When Sergio Meza first started at Bishop Noll, he never thought he’d be playing varsity soccer and debating on the varsity speech team, but the freshman is happy to put these two varsity achievements–in athletics and academics–on his resumé.
Meza, who wasn’t initially interested in speech and debate, follows in the footsteps of his state-finalist sister Ruby ‘21 and his brother Ulises, junior.
“What made me join speech and debate was that I tend to like to debate people, and and especially on to debate on political issues, a lot and it in the debate world and some of the speech world, you tend to debate on political issues.” Meza said.
Meza, who wasn’t initially interested in speech and debate, follows in the footsteps of his state-finalist sister Ruby ‘21 and his brother Ulises, junior.
“My older sister who graduated from Bishop Noll did a speech, and she liked it a lot and I thought I would like it too,” Meza said.“Another person that suggested it to me with my eighth grade teacher.” Meza said.
Although he was a novice to the team, Meza helped score points in the State championship on March 12 which led to a second-place trophy in the team’s class.
‘‘I do see myself doing speech and debate next year. I plan to see myself doing it all four years. Also I plan to focus more on the debate,” Meza said. “I mainly did speech events this season and the coaches and I have agreed that we should focus on debate. I love doing it and I think I will continue to love doing it.”
Not only does Meza plan to make speech and debate his main extra-curricular activity for the rest of his high school years, he also takes the most pride in this competitive club.
“What I like about speech the most is that how you’re able to talk to other people and see their opinion,” Meza said. “I do discussion and in discussion, we talk about political issues and on mental health and it is very interesting to see how people’s opinions may be different or may be similar. I love how competitive it is and how when you win it feels like the greatest thing. You’ll get a trophy, you get to go up on stage and say your name.”