Bishop Noll’s Blood Drive falls short of goal, still makes an impact
January 26, 2017
As the Bishop Noll blood drive came to an end on Monday, January 23rd, it was a great success. Although the blood drive didn’t collect as much blood as the first, it was still a success and succeeded previous goals. According Blood Drive Chairwoman Claire Kalinowski, 57 pints of blood were donated at this year’s second blood drive.
“We received 64 pints of blood at the previous blood drive, so with such a slight deviation, I would say they were of relatively equal success,” says Kalinowski.“We had about 80 students sign up for the blood drive as well as some faculty members. However, some people were absent on the day of the drive and unfortunately people get turned away for things such as low iron”.
Though missing a certain number of participants, they were still able to have enough students and faculty to take their spots. Their goal was to reach 40 pints of blood for this second blood drive.
“We set our goal at 40 pints and as you can see by the results we exceeded our goal by a fair amount and we couldn’t be more proud of our school for coming together to support such a worthy cause,” says Kalinowski.
The next blood drives are set to take place on March 20th and May 17th. Kalinowski hopes to see the more people there and exceed their recent goals and help out for such a worthy cause.