With Noll always on the forefront of improvements, a new modern addition to the school is underway.
“By having a capital improvement fund in place and donation money, Noll is finally able to modernize the lunch tables”, said Ms. Arnold, school counselor.
The recent lunch tables have been in use for more than two decades. The new tables will be circular instead of the traditional horizontal style, and will promote interaction among students and help them gain social skills. The use of the tables will begin on the first day of finals, which start on December 20.
“With the addition of the new tables, Noll again is improving our already awesome environment,” said Arnold.
The tables were set up on Monday and have been in use all week.
Assistant principal Mr. Trost said that the tables are just another part of updating and improving Bishop Noll.
“Therefore, respect the furniture,” he added.
Trost also added that the defacing of the new cafeteria tables classifies as a level three offense and results in an in-school suspension.
Updated cafeteria tables a part of improving Noll environment
Chloe Johnston, Staff Reporter
January 12, 2012