Teachers continue to prepare for virtual learning
June 4, 2020
The spread of COVID-19 has led to the closure of schools all over the world. Online schooling would develop so that learning would not be disrupted.
Theology teacher, Kevin Driscoll, explained that zoom classes are not ideal. It’s harder to grade students so he asks students to do a lot more writing to show comprehension.
“I know there are some strategies I could implement to make Zoom more engaging, but teachers didn’t have time to learn those skills…we just had to GO on March 16th,” he said.
In order to help students, Driscoll has private zoom meetings and has answered a lot more emails. Before the pandemic Driscoll had a prayer wall and an intercessory prayer for students to get involved in.
“Watching my students physically engage with the Triune God, and to watch the Spirit breathe in Room 306 is impossible to replicate on Zoom, he said.
World history teacher, Annjanette Ortega, explained that students who did their work when we were in the school building continue to put on the same effort. She noted that it can be challenging because, as a teacher you have no control of what could be happening on the students end.
“With there being less control of the environment, it does not compare to the traditional classroom.” Ortega misses being in an everyday classroom setting because she enjoys the conversations, the laughs, the personalities and being able to present for the students. The fun topics/talks she has had with the students makes the days easier for her.
“Ending this year online, it is challenging not just because of being online, but because I can’t have those end of the year goodbyes and in class celebrations,” she said.
However for students who attend summer school, there will be virtual learning. Spanish teacher Ann Hicks, plans on teaching summer school by providing students with instructional videos, having zoom class where students can ask questions, and a video with instructions on the assignment. “I will try to make it fun but at the same time easy to follow and very effective,”
she said.